LACBAN: angel investors from LATAM and the Caribbean come together under the same identity The World Angel Investor Forum (WBAF), recently announced the creation of the Association of Angel Investors of Latin America and the Caribbean (LACBAN).
Latin American Fintech startups enable greater financial inclusion By adopting strict underwriting requirements and limiting access to new financial products, traditional Latin American banks end up excluding much of the population.
Mercado Libre breaks records thanks to its fintech solution With more than 30 million active buyers and around 23 sales per second, Mercado Libre is a clear example of success in the world of online sales.
The challenges of scaling a Fintech in Latin America One of the main challenges is the lack of banking infrastructure and technology in some countries of the region.
The 5 Latin American countries that best manage their electronic waste The electronic waste generated in the world in 2016 was 44.7 million metric tons, which is equivalent to 4,500 Eiffel Towers of electronic scrap
The 5 strongest currencies in Latin America The Latin American currency that has appreciated the most against the dollar is the Uruguayan peso
Events & Conferences FINNOSUMMIT Connect Cancun 2023: the Latin American Fintech meeting This is the Fintech meeting of Latin America, in which connections between Fintech innovators will be created.