Shark Tank Mexico Opens Applications: Here's How to Register Your Business

Shark Tank Mexico Opens Applications: Here's How to Register Your Business

Are aspiring entrepreneurs prepared to elevate their ventures to unprecedented heights? The news of an extraordinary opportunity echoes throughout Mexico's entrepreneurial sphere: Shark Tank Mexico is actively scouting candidates for its forthcoming season!

What is Shark Tank Mexico?

Shark Tank Mexico stands as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering them a platform to pitch their business ideas to a panel of seasoned investors, famously known as "sharks." With esteemed judges like Arturo Elías Ayub, Rodrigo Herrera Aspra, Ana Victoria García, and Marcus Dantus, the show presents a unique opportunity for securing funding and strategic mentorship.

In every episode, a select few products or business ideas are showcased. Entrepreneurs are granted the stage to present their projects and deliver a persuasive pitch to the sharks. They articulate their vision, funding requirements, and the equity they are willing to relinquish. The sharks then engage in a probing session to assess the feasibility of the business, ultimately deciding whether to invest or not.

Following a successful pitch and investment commitment, the journey continues beyond the television screen. Entrepreneurs and sharks embark on a due diligence process, delving into the intricacies of the business to ensure its viability. If all checks out, the investment is finalized.

Success Stories

Chez Vous

Chez Vous, a coworking café offering an all-inclusive experience for patrons, caught the attention of Arturo Elías Ayub and Rodrigo Herrera Aspra in the fifth season, securing a lucrative deal.

Chez Vous #Timecafé – café coworking CDMX


Homely, a marketplace connecting individuals with home cleaning services, underwent a rebranding and sealed a deal with Carlos Bremer and Ana Victoria García after their appearance on Shark Tank.

devf logo

Ben & Frank

Despite facing rejection on the show, Ben & Frank, a brand specializing in prescription glasses, experienced remarkable growth, boasting over 90 stores across Mexico.

Lecciones de valor de marca: Ben & Frank

Apply Now!

For entrepreneurs ready to seize the spotlight and propel their businesses to new heights, the opportunity beckons: Apply now for the next season of Shark Tank Mexico!